News — Organic

Matt Jarosy
The Power of Vitamin C in Human Health

The Power of Vitamin C in Human Health

With the launch of our latest organic wholefood vitamin C formulation, we wanted a dive a bit more into the benefits of wholefood vitamin C and why it should be a regular part of your diet. Vitamin C is one of the most well-known and widely studied vitamins out there. It was first discovered in the 18th century and since then, we've learned a lot about its many functions in the body. It's been shown to help support a healthy immune system, skin health, and even cognitive function. Here's a list of all specific functions of vitamin C Required for...

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Matt Jarosy
Why Choose Organic Ingredients?

Why Choose Organic Ingredients?

All our wholefood range is certified organic by the Soil Association. The Soil Association symbol is a recognised and trusted mark of organic certification internationally but why choose organic? Rather than relying on chemical inputs, organic farmers and growers adopt management practices that build and enhance natural soil fertility with the application of organic matter, green manures and long-term crop rotations, and controlling weeds, pests and diseases through mechanical weeding, variety choice and by encouraging natural predators. A growing number of studies are now linking pesticides to various human health effects. A 2004 review co-authored by the National Cancer Institute concluded that...

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Matt Jarosy
What Is Iodine? The Halogen Inside Each Of Your Cells

What Is Iodine? The Halogen Inside Each Of Your Cells

In conjuction with the release of our latest supplement, we wanted to talk a little bit more about Iodine. Our new organic seaweed blend contains 346ug of wholefood iodine which equates to 230% of the RNI (reference nutrient intake), but why do we need it? and what really is iodine? Bernard courtois was the man who first discovered iodine which is a halogen if you're looking at the periodic table. He was originally making gunpowder from potassium and sodium but accidentally added too much sulphuric acid to seaweed ash and observed a distinct purple colour. This was the birth of...

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