News — Magnesium

Matt Jarosy
Which Form of Magnesium Should I Take? Magnesium Bisglycinate, Magnesium Taurate & Magnesium Malate

Which Form of Magnesium Should I Take? Magnesium Bisglycinate, Magnesium Taurate & Magnesium Malate

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in many biological processes, including energy production, protein synthesis, and nerve function. However, many people do not get enough magnesium in their diets, and as a result, magnesium deficiency is a common problem worldwide; some estimates suggest that up to 50% of the population may not be getting enough magnesium in their diets. Fortunately, magnesium supplements can help to fill the gaps but with so many different forms of magnesium it can be difficult to know which one to choose. In this article, we will discuss the differences between our three popular...

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Matt Jarosy
Everything You Need To Know On Magnesium Glycinate

Everything You Need To Know On Magnesium Glycinate

Magnesium glycinate (or bisglycinate) is a highly bioavailable form of magnesium made by chelating magnesium to the amino acid glycine. Chelated magnesium is a unique preparation method that offers increased stability, better bioavailability, and less chance of impacting the digestive tract.  Magnesium glycinate is thought to be one of the most relaxing forms of magnesium, partly because of what it is chelated to, in this case glycine. Glycine (also known as 2-Aminoacetic Acid) is an amino acid and a neurotransmitter. It has a broad range of roles in the body, from regulating blood sugar to faciliating the production DNA and RNA. It...

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Matt Jarosy
How Stress Affects Your Magnesium Levels

How Stress Affects Your Magnesium Levels

One of the questions we get asked is do we neeed more magnesium if we’re stressed? To answer that question, we have to consider how stress works. Stress has a profound effect on the body. The sympathetic nervous system response drives the body into fight and flight at the expense of many other bodily processes. Calcium shuttles into our muscles for contraction and cortisol streams round our body along with adrenaline. Energy stores become liberated and glucose becomes instantly available for our body to burn. This is an amazing response which has allowed our species to survive. If we didn't have...

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Matt Jarosy
The different types of magnesium in health

The Different Forms of Magnesium: Your Comprehensive Guide

Do you often feel run down and stressed? Are you having trouble sleeping at night? If so, you might be a little low on magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral that is essential for human health, and it plays a role in many important bodily functions. Unfortunately, many people are not getting enough magnesium in their diets. In this blog post, we will discuss the different forms of magnesium and their individual benefits. One of the more confusing aspects of magnesium supplements is that manufacturers will often advertise the total weight of the product as magnesium. For example, let's take a...

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